When we go window shopping, we adapt our dream to the product in the window. In other words, we like it and we want to make it our own…but its not of our creation, so its a step away from exactly what we want.
Custom design jewelry gives you the opportunity to be the creator, making the end result that much more special to you.
Think about a piece of jewelry you already prize:
Are there ways you'd make it better if you could?
Or perhaps there's a piece of jewelry you've always dreamed of, but its out of your reach financially.
Designing your own jewelry gives you the chance to decide on the cost and create from there. Never before in history has there been more materials that are comparable to the real thing. Materials such as moissanite and Gemesis are virtually indistinguishable from their actual counterparts (in this case, diamond.)
So during these trying times, take matters into your own hands. Design a piece of jewelry from the power of your own creativity. That piece will mean more to you than you can imagine.
Here are some samples of our own custom design jewelry at Joseph Schubach Jewelers, from creators such as yourself: