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Jewelry Education and Advice

  • Can Gems Communicate with You?

    Before you go running for the hills, thinking this is some New-Agey post, think about it a second:

    Everything and everyone possesses a frequency of some sort. Just because you see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Think of when you walk by a radio with a cellphone in your hand; chances are, you’ve heard a buzzing noise emit from the speakers. That’s the phone talking to the tower and the  speakers picking up that radio transmission.

    So if you accept the fact that energy exists that you don’t see, consider the healing power of gemstones and crystals. For eons, humans have noted the power of gems and crystals and have used them for healing and protection, among other things.

    What does that mean for you, jeweler lover? Well consider your favorite gem. How does it make you feel? Do you feel a sense of safety and protection while wearing it? Entertain the fact that there’s a chance that gem resonates particularly with you.

    Take rose quartz, for example. According to MBGMindfulness: 

    Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love that helps to open and heal the energy of the heart. It encourages the forgiveness of others and, most importantly, of yourself. The secret to finding true love is to love yourself. Rose quartz emits vibrations of love, beauty and compassion. It’s a feel-good stone that nurtures, supports and allows you to feel the most powerful energy in the universe: LOVE.

    So take a moment to research the spiritual implications of your favorite gem, if for no other reason than its fun!


  • What is a basket (in jewelry terms)?

    We get it. Sometimes the terms in the custom design jewelry world get a little confusing. (We see the glazed over look when customers don’t understand the words we use so casually!)

    A recent client asked: “What’s a basket?”

    Jewelry education to the rescue! 

    A basket head holds the center stone in place, usually with 4 or 6 prongs. The openings in the basket allow light to pass through the gem of your ring. (This provides more sparkle.) Practically speaking, the basket secures the stone and (when made correctly) provides comfortable wear.

    Take a look at the video below. You’ll be able to easily identify the rose gold basket.

  • Cool, warm or neutral? (From a man’s perspective)

    We’ve talked about skin tone a lot here on these pages. And for good reason. When you’re investing in custom design jewelry, the metals you choose really matter. You may love silver but gold might be the wiser choice when skin tone is at play.

    Here, we get a detailed look at skin tone (from a male perspective). To us, its clear which metals work best on him. What do you think?

  • What exactly is “bijoux”?

    What is bijoux (or singularly, bijou)?

    Well technically bijoux (according to Wikipedia) is “an intricate jewelry piece incorporated into clothing, or worn by itself on the body.”

    So how is bijouterie any different than jewelry?

    Digging a little deeper, I discovered that the difference between “bijouterie” and  “jewelry” didn’t exist before Louis XIV became the king of France. Prior to that time, adornment was closer to what we consider today’s costume jewelry.

    But Louis was obsessed with appearance and display and wanted to up the game of the cheaper bijouterie to match his high pedigree tastes.

    This encouraged goldsmiths and jewelers throughout the country to improve the originality and quality of their pieces.

    Bijouterie became jewelry.

    Step up to the plate, jewelers. No more bijoux!

    Step up to the plate, jewelers. No more bijoux!

  • Jewelry Layering – Creating the Delicate Layer Look

    Layering necklaces can be a complicated process for some. Where do you start? Which pieces to use and how many? What necklace simply won’t play nice with the others? 

    This video addresses your layering questions (hint: start from the bottom up):

  • How to prevent the dreaded jewelry rash


    You know it when it happens. That red circle around your finger when you remove your favorite ring. Or that itchy sensation around your neck after donning that seriously cute costume necklace.

    Jewelry rash erupts whenever certain metals react with certain skins. More than just itchy, skin irritation from jewelry can discourage you from wearing that piece of jewelry…and that’s a fashion crime!

    Our advice?

    Invest in high quality jewelry.

    There. We said it.

    Jewelry rash is most commonly caused by cheap jewelry (mainly because of the nickel contained within it). And while we love the fun of costume jewelry like everyone else, we much prefer good jewelry that lasts longer and irritates less.

    Affordable jewelry often has a coating that prevents irritating nickel from causing a reaction. But that coating wears off eventually. In the case of high-quality jewelry? No chipping or wearing away. And no irritation.

    The takeaway? While we’d love to tell you to buy whatever jewelry strikes your fancy, when it comes to allergic skin reactions, you’re better off investing in solid jewelry built to last a long, long time instead.


  • Gem talk: What exactly is luster?

    Learning about gems is a science in its own right. But that doesn’t mean you have to go back to school to learn.

    Education at Joseph Schubach Jewelers is quick, easy and best of all…free! 


    So let’s talk luster. The terminology surrounding luster is a bit more complicated than the terminology surrounding brilliance (the amount of light reflected out of the crown of the gem to the eye). Brilliance is rather easy to describe: more or less. Luster language gets a little more dense.

    But first, what is luster? Luster is the manner by which light interacts with the surface of a gem. The word holds its origins in Latin. Lux (meaning “light”) and generally implies radiance, gloss or brilliance.

    A glass-like luster (called vitreous) is most frequently found in transparent faceted gems such as sapphire, emerald, ruby and tourmaline. Other “lustrous” names? Silky (such as tiger’s eye), resinous (think amber) and greasy (yep…that would be jadeite, unfortunately).

    That was pretty painless, right? Better yet, just call us for more information on luster. We love talking shop!

  • Rope Knot Necklaces – DIY to Easy Fashion

    (Okay, these necklaces are a bit more suited for summer fashion but that doesn’t mean you can’t make your necklace in winter and prepare!)

    What we like about knot necklaces? The casual, textured look it provides. Unlike metal necklaces, rope knot necklaces capitalize on material, making it more of a simple extension of your outfit, like a collar.


  • What can you recycle – post-holiday packaging advice

    According to the EPA, 80% of what people throw away during the time between Thanksgiving and New Years can actually be recycled.

    If you’re anything like us, you have a ton of it around you at this very moment. And its not just gifts unfortunately. It’s packaging.

    Before you go and toss that wrapping paper out (chances are, you can’t), take a listen to this helpful video:

  • Random Uses for Spare Jewelry Boxes


    We can only hope you’ve received a ton of jewelry this holiday and have a slew of jewelry boxes to reuse or upcycle.

    But what exactly can be done with your average cardboard jewelry box? What other uses does it contain within?

    Here’s a few possibilities for your used jewelry box:

    Change keeper. If you still use change in your life (think laundromat or toll booth), a pretty look box holding your change is both practical and pretty.

    Board game pieces. Many board game pieces are hopelessly strewn about, especially over the holidays. Keep game pieces in one piece and not underfoot.

    Barbie doll suitcases! 

    Special treasure boxes. Use for an important lock of hair, a secret note or a first tooth. Write a note to self on the inside of the box.

    Reuse for other jewelry. Of course, the obvious answer right? But not just jewelry. Think of other small items, like collectible stamps or pretty buttons that might find a happy home in a previously used jewelry box.

    What about you? What ways have you reused or upcycled jewelry boxes?