Contrasting or Matching Jewelry – Which One?
Before you go hit the “matches” button, think again. I stumbled across this piece this morning that really exemplifies the importance of contrasting jewelry and fashion. So today, when you’re opening up your jewelry box, pick the contrasting piece and give it a spin.
These two mannequins in a store window kindly demonstrated the difference between jewelry that matches your outfit (on the left) and jewelry that contrasts with it (on the right):
Even though the gal on the left is wearing more jewelry (a double-strand necklace plus a bracelet and ring), you can hardly see her jewels at all.
Meanwhile, the fashion-savvy gal on the right wears just one piece of jewelry (a single-strand necklace), but it really makes a visual impact – even from farther away:
Now if only these two gals had good heads on their shoulders, the fashion-savvy one on the right could drop a hint to her friend on the left about accessorizing. :)
Source: Rena Klingenberg