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It’s beginning to look a lot like proposal time


According to many wedding experts in the know, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are the most popular days of the year to pop the big question (followed by New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day).

But is it really the best time of the year to make such a big decision? On some levels, it certainly has its perks. The holiday season brings families together which means everyone can share in the positivity of a couple making such a loving commitment.

Then there’s also a spiritual element: people tend to be at their best behavior, open-hearted and receptive to big changes like engagements. (This means a higher likelihood of the lucky ring recipient saying yes.)

On the flip side, here’s a downer note for proposing during the holidays. According to the Washington Post: 

Legally, an engagement ring is considered a “conditional gift” based on the marriage taking place and the ring goes back to the purchaser if the engagement is broken, regardless of who ends it. But rings given on Christmas, Valentine’s Day or birthdays are typically classified as more traditional gifts, and the majority of courts have allowed the receiver to keep it.

Okay, not a very romantic aspect but reality nonetheless. We say go with your heart. If the holidays seem like a perfect time to make a proposal, go for it. Life is short and Christmas is beautiful and very romantic afterall!