Many of our clients go through a crash course in understanding jewelry terminology when they’re choosing an engagement or wedding ring. That’s why we write blog posts like this one: a little learnin’ goes a long way!
Today’s lesson? What’s a channel set ring and is it the right choice for your ring?
Rings that are channel set contain what is called “accent gemstones.” These are small gemstones (often diamonds but not always) that are incorporated into the design of the ring and add additional sparkle to the overall look.
“Channel” is used to describe this type of ring because these gemstone accents are placed in channels or rows, formed by two strips of metal. This is done by creating grooves in the metals so the gemstones are held firmly in place.
So who likes a channel set ring?
Someone who likes a real sparkle effect to their ring. And that’s not everyone. Some really like the simplicity and power of the center stone taking the stage and don’t want anything that deviates from it. Others think those accent stones add more to the overall look. Ultimately, its a matter of taste.
Many are concerned that channel set stones will eventually loosen and fall out. That’s where a reputable custom design jeweler comes into play (hint, hint). Channel set stones do need to be set with particular care, so they’re securely in place for the life of the ring ideally.