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Safe Jewelry that Protects Women in India and Beyond


Ready for crazy statistic:

A sexual assault occurs every 22.5 minutes in India.

Well these men have come up with a piece of jewelry that will help this stat drop.

According to CNN:

“The public doesn’t read about most of these incidents in the newspapers,” said Manik Mehta, cofounder of startup Leaf Wearables. “But this fact shook us to the core.”

Mehta and four of his friends became obsessed with finding a technology solution to help keep women in India safe.

The five men were engineering students at India’s top colleges, including Delhi College of Engineering and the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.

In February 2015, they launched smart jewelry startup Leaf Wearables. At the heart of each specially-designed pendant, bracelet and key chain is a small circular device called SAFER.

When a threat is perceived, the user double clicks the SAFER device that’s attached to the jewelry, which triggers the corresponding app.

Jewelry is no longer just for fashion anymore…and it makes sense, we wear it, right? Help can be that close.