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Developing your Sense of Style in Four Easy (and Cheap) Steps

Some people just seem to have that perfectly pulled-together look, even if they just rolled out of bed. But for most of us, we have to work a little to hone a sense of style.

But the beauty of it? You don’t have to spend a fortune on your “look.” It can be done simply, basically (since all fashionable looks tend to be just that).

1. Pick your best pieces. You know the items in your closet that are clearly keepers, like that skirt that fits just so or that shirt that always makes you feel like a million bucks when you wear it. Separate those pieces from the rest. (Then ask yourself, what are you doing with those “other” pieces!) Consider a wardrobe of only keepers, even if it’s smaller.

2. Find a good hair stylist. (This one is often easier said than done.) Most stylish looks have a great haircut topping it all off. Figure out your hair type and what cut works for you and maintain it.

3. Keep your skin healthy and clean. We’re wearing our birthday “suit” all of the time, right? Glowing skin that’s well maintained goes a long way to create a beautiful you. That doesn’t mean you need flawless skin. Just make sure you use good products, eat well, drink copious amounts of water and get sleep.

4. Smile. Sure, you’ve heard this one before, but truly, a smile is magnetic and lights up any outfit. Don’t worry–you can fake one too. (A fake smile still has therapeutic effects.)


