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Jewelry for the Soul

A client last week had written to us about the significance of a piece we had designed for her. It was during a trying and transitional time in her life. There’s a jaggedness to the design that resonates with her, so symbolic of how that trying period felt. She called it “jewelry for the soul.”

She now wears that necklace as a reminder of her ability to survive, even thrive, in the face of adversity.  What piece of jewelry could you design that would represent you now? What gem would it hold? What metals would symbolize you? Would it hang from your neck or lie on your wrist or encircle your finger? What kind of feel would the piece have? Warm? Strong? Funky? Classic?

All of these decisions go into making a custom design piece of jewelry. It’s a very personal process. The pieces we create may be worn a lifetime; it needs to deeply resonate with you. We make sure it does.


An example of “soul jewelry.” Aria’s eternity band.

Contact us for a phone appointment or stop by our showroom in Scottsdale. We’re happy to design some jewelry for your soul.