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Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a Winner!

The gang here at Joseph Schubach Jewelers has pored over the Gems from the Heart Story Contest entries for the last several weeks and after much deliberation, we’ve come up with a winner!

First, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the participants for so many thoughtful entries this year. We were genuinely surprised at the overwhelming response. It goes to show that everyone has a story to tell when it comes to a prized piece of jewelry. Our entries ranged from the simple and poignant to the funny and offbeat.

Of all of them, we found The Phoenix Zoo Story to be the most dazzling story of them all. Not only did the writer tell us a genuinely moving and romantic tale but her use of photos really made us feel like we were right there with her!

Read the Winner of the Gems from the Heart Story Contest here!


(above, our Winning Storytellers)

Honorable Mention goes to The Ugly Little Ring Story for her effective and touching piece that shows it’s not always the quality of jewelry that counts, but the meaning behind it.