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“I almost got ran over by a car on Saturday,because I lost myself into the spakly heaven of the oec,lol.”

I absolutely adore the oec!!It’s so madly spakly,and I adore the facets.
I also love love love the setting!!It’s delicate but sturdy,and it goes really well with my band!
I’m just so happy.Maybe a bit too much.I almost got ran over by a car  on Saturday,because I lost myself
into the spakly heaven of the oec,lol.
Yes,that was correct :D Thank you so much!!It was great for me to work with you!You are such a sweet,patient person,
and Ireally can’t thank all of you enough.This  ring is perfect.
Thank you so much!
E ti aspetto col pane,quando verrai in Italia :D
I’ll wait for you with the bread,when you will come to Italy :D

Note from Joe: Here’s A’s beautiful ring!