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Katie Holmes as Jewelry Model

We often don’t think of the “behind the scenes” when it comes to shooting jewelry on models. Good lighting is crucial for instance. But so is the outfit, which can’t overwhelm or compete with the jewelry. This recent shoot with Kate Hudson modeling jewelry is a fine example of what needs to be done in order to make the jewelry the star of the show:


American actress Katie Holmes is mostly known as a movie star. Brilliant. Now, she ventures into new areas as a designer jewelry model for H. Stern for their new Brazilian and Israeli campaigns.

Katie Holmes Jewelry H SternKatie Holmes for Jewelry Brand H. Stern

Holmes follows in the footsteps of Catherine Deneuve and Kate Moss as the face of jewelry brand H. Stern.

Katie Holmes Jewelry H. Stern BrazilKatie Holmes for H. Stern

Holmes posed in subtle makeup and a white shift for the Brazilian ad, which really let the emerald baubles pop.

While I love her as a jewelry model, I can’t wait to see her starring in Jack and Jill together with Adam Sandler.

Katie Holmes Jewelry H. SternKatie Holmes for Designer Jewelry Brand H. Stern

Here’s a nice video from behind the scenes of the H. Stern shootings with Katie Holmes:


Source: Jewelerista