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Current Custom Projects

  • Holly A Platinum Custom Matching Wedding Band

  • Vanessa’s Super Mod Ring

  • Adam S Custom Engagement Ring

  • Beth’s Ring

  • M.G. Ring

  • A-M H’s “Sick” Princess Cut Engagement Ring

  • “91 Points” and 179 Points

    First off, a huge thanks to Frank and Cindy for bringing the treats to our diamond party. This will certainly go down as one of the more enjoyable and memorable diamond showings ever! What a great way to take this fun event to the next level.

    Ok, so what in the world does 91 points and 179 points mean? Good question. While looking for the perfect diamond for Frank and Cindy, we ran across so many interesting options for them that I suggested we get together and have a diamond party. Hey, what could be more fun than looking at a bunch of diamonds? Why not make it a party?

    Frank replied, Joe – We’ll bring appetizers and a really nice, inexpensive cab sauv, to which Parker and Wine Spectator gave 91 points. So we’ll bring “points” and you’ll bring “points” and it will be a party.”

    And a party it was, complete with Frank and Cindy’s appetizers consisting of fabulous grilled teriyaki bacon wrapped pineapple (which I have never had before and now love), cheeses, crackers, salami, chips and other yummies. We all sat around looking at diamonds, eating wonderful goodies and drinking fabulous wine. What a way to spend a Saturday afternoon!

    The ‘points’ that Frank referenced he would bring were about the rating of the wine. The points Frank referenced that I bring had to do with the ‘points’ of the diamonds, or the diamond weight. As a refresher, diamonds are weighed in carats, and each carat is made up of 100 ‘points’, very similar to a penny and a dollar. The diamond that Frank and Cindy ended up choosing weighed 1.79 carats, or 179 points (for the record, we normally do not refer to the weight of a diamond in ‘points’ after it reaches 1 carat).

    As you can see from the picture, there were quite a few cushion cut diamonds to explore. Also, as you can see from the picture, each cushion cut diamond has a unique shape, or cutting style. We’ll write another post on cushion cut diamonds later.

    We did a little Photoshop mock up of what Cindy’s ring will look like with the diamond she chose. Cindy’s ring will need to be customized to accommodate this particular diamond, which we’re in the process of doing now. We’ll post a picture of the completed ring when it’s ready.

    Again, many thanks to Frank and Cindy for making this a very enjoyable time.

  • Marcy and Eli’s Awesome Pear Shape Engagement Ring!

  • Beverly I Channel Set Ring

    Looking forward to wearing it all weekend.  I want to thank you, Joe, very much for your  prompt service and the beautiful design you created for me.  Will be in touch when I am ready for a bracelet.  Bev

  • Karen C Custom pave engagement ring