After reading Know what Feeds You in PsychCentral, it got me thinking: can the way you dress improve your sense of well-being? (I’ll get to the answer in a second.)
This piece does a great job detailing the fact that most women slowly but surely evolve into caretakers and often forget what it means to take care of themselves. We get that! Between family and work, it’s often hard to manage time for self-care.
As time marched on, you began to identify your needs and found ways to feed yourself. Perhaps some habits you have developed work well while others need working on. The concept of self-sustenance conjures up dietary needs but demonstrates physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual needs as well. Break down the necessities for your personal sustenance to connect with your overall best self-care routine.
Yet this type of self-nurturing is critical to our overall well-being. Along with some great advice (like asking for help when you need it…hello, stop doing it all!), I’d include the external aspects as well. When you dress in a way that represents and expresses who you are, you’re taking care of your self from the outside in.
So today:
Wear that outfit that truly expresses you. Don that piece of jewelry that always makes you feel good, whenever you wear it.
Sure, self-care is in an inside out job ultimately. But its alright to dress the part of an amazing you too!