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Dog Tags – Jewelry that’s Saved Lives and Healed Families

On this Memorial Day, let us all take some time amidst our festivities to remember those who have fallen for our freedom. In honor of our fine soldiers, take a look at the dog tags used throughout history (thanks to Remember these tags were often the only way a solider could be identified and provide their family with closure.

Civil War Dog Tags
Civil War Dog Tags

WWI Dog Tags

WWI Dog Tag


WWII Dog Tags
WWII Dog Tags


From TOP Vietnam Vets:

Mel Tatrow, in his Marine dress green uniform, and the dog tag returned to his family.
Mel Tatrow, in his Marine dress green uniform and the dog tag returned to his family by TOP.

“Thank you all so very much for what you have given back to my family. No words can tell you how much honor, joy, pride, sorrow that I felt when I opened the beautiful box containing my brother’s tag. Mel was a Marine thru & thru, he was such a caring person.”

Acyne Tatrow Yrjana,
Mel Tatrow’s sister