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Nicole Richie’s Free-spirited Fashion Advice to a Fan

Nicole Richie is a well-known and polished celebrity fashionista. So when she doled out fashion advice to fan Cara Hillie in this month’s Glamour magazine, we couldn’t help but spread her words of wisdom.

Her take on business attire?

Think business attire has to be boring? Not so, says Richie. “We’re in a different time now. You can’t be so serious about fashion,” she told Hille. “People really appreciate personal style. For work I throw on a lot of jewelry.” That’s a liberating perspective for Hille: “The people who surround me have always encouraged me to be a little bit more conservative on a job interview,” she admits. “Hearing Nicole say that makes me think about adding some color or an element that shows my personality.” Jewelry is an easy go-to; try a simple sheath dress with a statement necklace.

