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Customer Testimonials

  • “. . . .it’s absolutely stunning. Thank you for all the work you did to bring it to life!”

    Hi Margie and Happy New Year!

    I popped the question to K before midnight and she absolutely loved the ring!  Fantastic work!
    We might need it resized a 1/4 size smaller as it feels just a bit loose on her finger.  Maybe at the end of the week we can bring it in to take care of that. (Thursday afternoon possibly) Otherwise, it’s absolutely stunning.  Thank you for all the work you did to bring it to life!


  • “Thanks also for your amazing service.”

    Hi Joe,

    I don’t think I ever got the chance to thank you for the rings. Of course she loved them. Thanks also for your amazing service.
    I attach a picture taken on our wedding day, last October.

    Merry Christmas!

  • “I also really appreciate the ring pop”

    Hey Jen,
    I just wanted to thank you for all your help! I love the ring it’s amazing, I also really appreciate the ring pop. That made me very happy, I’ve always joked about me getting that for her so it was a perfect detail of yours. We’ll see how it goes.
    Again, thank you for everything I hope you have some amazing holidays.


  • “I have to put it away until my 40th in January, but have explored every angle and it is perfection.”

    Hello Jen,

    Just wanted to pass on my heartfelt thanks for the stellar job on my gorgeous ring set. It has arrived safely in South Australia this morning.
    I have to put it away until my 40th in January, but have explored every angle and it is perfection. Right down to the tiny stone in the donut underneath it is glorious!
    So please pass on my gratitude to Joe and the team, I will be proud to wear my Schubach set for many years to come.
    Best wishes, and Merry Christmas,
  • Thank you so much again for all the help you gave me.

    Good morning Margie, I cannot thank you and the staff enough for the ring. I proposed this past weekend and my fiancé was overwhelmed with the beautiful ring. Thank you so much again for all the help you gave me.
    Thanks, J. H.

  • Every stone has a meaning and a memory!

    Hi Margie

    Can’t stop looking at it! Taken many pics to send all around the world!

    I’m in awe of your team, thank you for delivering the most precious ring of all!! Every stone has a meaning and a memory! It’s something no one else could appreciate.

  • It is absolutely perfect!

    Hi Margie! I just wanted to thank you so much for helping J and me with the ring. It is absolutely perfect!

    T and J

  • They’re more than everything we hoped they’d be.


    Picked up the package today, and everything looks amazing! They’re more than everything we hoped they’d be. Mine fits perfectly, and we’ll have to wait until N returns to check hers, but I’m sure it will be on the money. I’ll definitely check in with you then to let you know either way.

    I can’t say it enough, thank you again for working with us. It’s been such a fun and unique experience knowing that now all three pieces were custom made by one man and his store. Please extend my gratitude to the folks you work with in your shop as well, I know they all have a hand in it too.

    For what it’s worth, please see your work in the attached picture from our engagement photos. We can’t wait to send you more after our big day.

    Many Thanks,
