We’ve seen many “oh my” moments whenĀ our custom design jewelry is unveiled to our clients. But we often miss the “big picture”, like when a client comes up with the idea behind it, reviews the 3D model and suggests changes to make it perfectly unique.
One of our team members and ace production manager, Jen Wood, created this piece for herself. She calls it Golden Girl. This allowed us toĀ peek behind the curtain and understand each and every phase of the custom design process intimately.
We co-createdĀ the custom design,Ā made the 3D print (she wore the print forĀ about two weeks) and fell in love with our Radiance stone. Our entire teamĀ had aĀ fantastic time making this.Ā It was really nice to see the stages of excitement firsthand.
Jen created this ring as a self-purchase; a celebration of her accomplishment. She’s a single, hard-working mom and this ring represented a celebration of her accomplishments.
We’re happy to see this trend more and more–women in particular realizing that rings don’t simply represent marriage but a vow to self–a celebration of self ring. If the ring could speak, it would say:
You matter.
I celebrate you.
You’re worth it.
And Jen, you certainly do matter. And we celebrate you too!
If you’re looking for a custom design ring that beautifully represents you, reach out to us. We’re expert at making jewelry dreams come true.