I still recall routing through my mom’s jewelry box when I was little. It seemed like a treasure chest of highly magical items, only reserved for her intended wear.
Well…not only. Because I happily piled her beloved pieces and topped it off with a little of her favorite red lipstick. Voila…now I was grown up and pretty, just like her!
Years later, my mother bestowed her daughters with her jewelry, shortly before she died. I chose an unusual pendant necklace made of 18k gold. The pendant itself looks something like a strange sun setting. Or an octopus. I haven’t quite figured it out.
Whenever people see it, they ask, “What is that?”
I never have an answer and ask for their interpretation.
“An insect?”
“A Greek symbol?”
“The spokes of a crooked wheel?”
It’s not my favorite piece of jewelry. But it’s my mom’s. And on days when I miss her, I wear it with pride. Because it doesn’t really matter whether I like the jewelry or not; it just matters that it was hers.
If you believe in this kind of thing, her vibration, her “energy” is still contained within the piece. Many psychics have used jewelry as a divination method, when say, trying to locate a missing person. Because jewelry absorbs a certain essence of us and remains there for a long, long time. I don’t know about all that. I just know it feels right when I wear it.
As a “grown up” I have a jewelry box of my own now. When I open it, I harken back to that little girl. Sure she’s grown, but she still believes in magical treasures contained neatly in a box.