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Could Pasta Jewelry EVER Look Good?

Making pasta jewelry as children made sense: what else could you string more readily than elbow macaroni, with the hole built right in?

But pasta jewelry could never be something you wear as a “grown up” right?

Um…think again.

Pasta company Barilla and Delicacies Jewelry have joined forces to create wearable, fun pasta jewelry for adults with a strong “child within.” The name of the collection? The Al Dente collection of course.

Chef Kristin Kish said the following to say about this distinctly yummy jewelry:

Elbow macaroni is one of those shapes that you see and immediately think of your childhood, and these are the memories that stick with me the most. As a chef and with new dish creation, I pull an immense amount from my childhood memories. To me, the elbow is also a reminder to see the world through the eyes of a child, with innocence, curiosity, acceptance, growth, and resilience.
